About PCLS 關於本校



本校創立于1970年,迄今已有50年的歷史。成立之初僅有5位老師和20名學生,附屬於普林斯頓大學的Chinese Club。今年學生164人,共有近20位語言班教師,及17位文化課教師。課程包括語言課及文化課程,語言課依學生年齡及中文程度分班。而文化課則以學生興趣選課。本校的上課地點為 Princeton Day School


文化課程方面,項目包括: 象棋、舞獅、卡通畫、中國結、 國畫、舞蹈、二胡、手工藝、唱遊、動漫繪畫、 扯鈴、作業輔導、籃球、跆拳道等豐富課程。 另外學校也開設成人活動班,例如:Zumba、插花、二胡、 羽毛球及籃球等活動。

本校的行政機構是理事會和幹事會,所有理事會和幹事會成員完全是由家長們組成,義務貢獻他們的時間、精神,和勞力。成員包括校長、副校長、財務、註冊、家長聯絡人、募款、訓導、 公關、活動等。本校的教務及文化活動由教務主任,文化主任及所有老師推動。


Princeton Chinese Language School

The Princeton Chinese Language School (PCLS) is a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to provide a structured and nurturing environment for learning Chinese language and culture.  We welcome anyone interested in learning Chinese language to be part of the PCLS family.

Established in 1970, PCLS now has a proud history of 50+ years.  At its inception, the school was affiliated with Princeton University’s Chinese Club with only five teachers and twenty students at that time.  Today, we have 164 students, 20 language teachers, and 17 culture instructors.  The curriculum includes both language classes and cultural activities.  Students are placed in language classes based on their ages and Chinese language proficiency, and in cultural activities according to their preferences.  Classes are held weekly at the Princeton Day School in Princeton, New Jersey.

PCLS’s language program consists of two tracks: traditional and CSL (Chinese as Second Language).    The traditional track is better suited for students who speak Mandarin at home.  Students in the traditional track use the phonic system; Zhuyin and traditional Chinese writing.   Pinyin is introduced in grades four through nine after students have mastered Chinese enunciation.  Students in CSL track use Pinyin as the primary phonic system.  Our language curriculum emphasizes practical usage of Chinese in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

PCLS offers a variety of cultural classes including: Chinese chess,  Lion Dance, Chinese Knotting, Chinese brush painting, dance, Er-Hu, crafts, story & music, drawing, Chinese YoYo, homework club, Chinese Karaoke, basketball, anime drawing, and TaeKwonDo. There are also adult activities such as Zumba, flower arrangement, badminton, and basketball.

PCLS is operated by parent volunteers.  Under the governance of the Board of Trustees, the school operation is executed by an Operating Committee that consists of Principal, Vice Principal, Academic Director, Culture Director, Treasurer, Registrar, Parent Liaisons, Vendor Management, Coupon Day Management, Photographer and others as needed. The Academic Director, Culture Director, and teaching staff are responsible for academic and cultural activities. All members of the Board of Trustees serve on a volunteer basis.  The academic director, cultural director, and teaching staff are responsible for academic and cultural activities.  All members of the Board of Trustees serve on a volunteer basis.

Our students and parents are active participants in many local community events.  In recent years, PCLS has raised awareness of Chinese culture and community volunteer services by sponsoring local events such as Communiversity Day in Princeton, the Association for New Jersey Chinese School Annual Events, the Princeton University International Festival, and Chinese New Year Celebrations in Princeton, West Windsor, and Plainsboro.  Parents are enthusiastic about participating in school activities and setting a role model for our children as we believe that community service is one of the best ways to give back to the society.

Donations to Princeton Chinese Language School, Inc. are tax exempt under IRS Section 501(c)3.