Weekly Newsletter September 29, 2024

Upcoming Event






Class parent meeting 班家長座談 at Room 234


Collection of gently used Halloween / Lunar New Year Outfits (New!)




School closed


Deadline to change Parent Duty Sign Up   




Chinese Children’s Book Fair 中文童書交換義賣


Children’s Halloween Costume / Lunar New Year Outfit Exchange Fair 萬聖節 / 農曆新年傳統服飾交換義賣 (New!)




Drawing contest 繪畫比賽




Message from Principal



Rules re. Cell Phone Use in Class


Consistent with public schools in the area, we ask that the students put their cell phones in a basket at the beginning of class. They may use it during break and must return it to the basket when the break is over . If students do not want to leave their phone in the basket, it needs to stay in their bag for the duration of class. We will start to implement this rule on Sept 29, 2024.



If a student uses a cell phone during class, it becomes a distraction to the rest of class and the teacher. The teacher may take it away and put it in the basket. Please let your child(ren) know and let’s keep PCLS a cell phone-free learning environment. 



Newly registered families


Welcome! Please see important information here. 




Message from Academic Director






Message from Culture Director


Drawing Contest Registration – NOW OPEN!


Get your crayons and markers ready for our first contest this year! The drawing contest will take place IN PERSON on 10/20/2024 and 10/27/2024 between 1:30 – 2:25 PM at the PDS cafeteria. Students will have 2 Sundays to complete their drawing. The drawings need to be handed in at the end of the event on 10/20 and we will distribute again on 10/27 for the students to finish. 


All participants will earn ONE coupon. Top 3 place winners will earn an extra coupon, a trophy, and have their artwork featured in the PCLS directory!  


To register, please read the guidelines thoroughly and complete the registration form here. Pre-registration is required to participate. We will NOT be able to accept registration on the spot. The registration form will be closed on 10/18/2024. 


Class Waivers


Students in the following classes are required to sign a waiver: Taekwondo / YoYo / Dance / Basketball



An email was sent to the students with a link to a Google form for electronic sign-off. Please take a moment to complete the waiver when you receive it. 



Adult Activities


Please click on this link for more information and to register.




PTA Update


Collection of gently used Halloween / Lunar New Year Outfits 萬聖節/農曆新年傳統服飾交換義賣


PCLS is going to hold a Children’s Halloween Costume / Lunar New Year (“LNY”) Outfit Exchange Fair so parents can swap for / purchase another one that is gently-used. We will collect outfits on 9/22 and 9/29, and the Exchange Fair will be on 10/3. Please click this link to find more details. 



Class Parent Meeting 班家長座談


The Class Parent Meeting will be on 9/29 at 3:30 pm in Room 234. A notification email has been sent to all signed-up room parents on Wednesday (9/25) night. Please contact the PTA Lead if you cannot make it to the meeting.  



Deadline to change to your Parent Duty Sign Up: 10/6


Please check your signup parent duties one more time before the deadline, especially to the starting time of the event you have signed up for. Please be at the event on time, especially for the events starting before 2:30pm. If you fail to show up on time, the duty will not be counted as fulfilled, and the parent duty deposit will not be refunded. Detailed parent duty instructions and information can be found in the PCLS Parent Duty Guidelines. After the deadline, if you need to adjust your sign-up duty, please contact the PTA Lead (pta@pcls.org). 




Vendor Update



Join us at LINE group: “PCLS – Food and Vendors 普林斯頓中文學校美食團” to get the latest information about food ordering and delivery. https://line.me/ti/g/QuLI3jTQan. Click the link to join.


9/29: Vincy’s Gourmet Kitchen (Pre-Order)


9/29: SunMerry Bakery 聖瑪莉 (On-Site at cafeteria)


10/8: David Kao’s Zongzi 粽子 (Pre-Order)


10/13: Lin’s Palace 林宮(On Site at cafeteria)


10/20: OK Canaan Flushing 台灣好滋味 (Pre-Order)


10/20: Nuro Beef Soup 正中牛肉湯 (Pre-Order)




For additional information on the date, time, location and order link, please see this link.




Veronica Chen, 校長 Principal