Message from Principal
Upcoming Events
3/9 |
3/15 |
3/16 |
3/23 |
Important Announcement!!!
As mentioned in the newsletter last Friday, students who temper with PDS property & equipment, particularly PDS lockers, will be given a yellow card. If a student gets TWO yellow cards within this semester, he/she will be suspended until the end of this school year.
An acknowledge form will be sent to the parents this Sunday. Please sign and return the form to the class parent of your child’s class by March 16, 2025. Failure of doing so will result in a yellow card being given to your child.
If you have any questions or concerns, I’m happy to discuss further.
Message from Academic Director
Chinese Typing Contest 中文打字比賽
We are excited to host the Chinese Typing Contest this year. Please find more information below.
Registration: Now to March 26, 2025. Please register using Chinese Typing Contest Registration Form
Practice period: Now to 11 am March 29, 2025.
24-hour Chinese Typing Contest Period: Starts at 12 pm March 29, 2025 and ends at 12 pm March 30, 2025.
Best score submission deadline: No later than 12:15 pm March 30, 2025. If you submit after 12:15 pm March 30, 2025, your score will not be accepted.
More information to be found in Chinese Typing Contest Brochure 中文打字比賽簡章
2024-2025 紐澤西中文學校協會 校際演講比賽 ANJCS Speech Contest
比賽時間:2025-03-29 (星期六) 12:30PM
報名方式與時間:報名由各校統一報名,有興趣參加的同學,請於2025-03-15前與教務主任 Sophia 聯絡 (。超過時限恕不受理!
Message from Culture Director
PCLS Chinese Chess Contest
比賽時間:3/23/2025 4:20-5pm (during culture class)
歡迎家長報名參加 (Parents are welcome to sign up)
Information and Registration Link
PCLS 歌唱比賽 Singing Contest
Singing contest is back!! It will be held on 3/23/2025 between 1:30 – 2:25 PM. Please encourage your child(ren) to participate and register by 3/14/2025. Register Here.
Find more details about this contest Here
PTA Update
2024-2025 Parent Duty Sign-up Sheet
Vendor Update
Join us at LINE group: “PCLS – Food and Vendors 普林斯頓中文學校美食團” to get
3/9: BoHai Village Dumplings (OnSite High School North Parking)
3/16: Nuro Beef Soup 正中牛肉湯 (Pre-Order & OnSite)
3/18: David Kao ZongZi 粽子 (PreOrder)
3/23: Lin’s Palace 林宮 (Pre-Order & OnSite)
3/23: Golden Buns 金華包子 (Pre-Order & OnSite)
3/30: OK Canaan Flushing 台灣好滋味 (Pre-Order & OnSite)
For additional information on the date, time, location and order link, please see this link.