Weekly Newsletter: Happy New Year! Feedback please!

May this New Year brings health, wealth, and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Feedback, please! As we continue to find ways to improve the virtual learning experience, we’d love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can improve and make it better. Your feedback will also assist us in better planning of our teaching, events, and activities. Please take a few minutes to answer this short questionnaire. If you have multiple students, please enter one for each.

Reminder: no school this coming Sunday, 1/3. The school will resume on 1/10.

Mark your calendar

  • Our first ever Chinese Typing contest will take place on 1/31. Registration and details will be announced soon!
  • Virtual Chinese New Year celebration is on 2/14 at 2:30 pm. The deadline to submit the video is this coming Tuesday, 1/5/2021.  Upload the video to this folder on Google drive when ready.

FYIA useful link to search for schools and curriculum to learn Chinese in Taiwan.

教育部為向海外華語文學習者介紹國內華語文教學機構與課程-特別設置學華語到台灣(https://ogme.edu.tw/lczh」多國語言網站,彙整相關資訊以供參考,主要包括以下內容:(一)找學校:可詢國內各大專院校設置華語文中心之基本資訊。包含學校特色、入學條件、申請方式 …….等。(二)找課程 :   可詢各校開設華語文課程資訊,包含課程簡介、課程期間、課程級別、學費……等。