Weekly Newsletter June 15, 2024

Message from Principal


I hope that all the students had a fun and productive year at PCLS.  I would like to thank all our teachers, the admin team and all the parents for your support! This is the last newsletter for SY 2023-2024.  Have a great summer!


If you registered your child(ren) for SY 2024-2025, you’ll begin to receive communication around the end of August / beginning of September. I look forward to seeing you again next year!


Feedback on 2023-2024 School Year

If you have not responded to the 2023-2024 Parent Feedback survey during the registration process, please take a moment to share your feedback.  Your response is greatly appreciated and will be used to assist us with planning in the future.




  1. 傳統班七年級老師

  2. 雙語班老師兩位


應徵者需有合法的工作身份,如果您或您認識的人適合這些職位,請推薦他們將簡歷發送給我並與我聯絡(Cindy Chen, academic@pcls.org)。



SY24-25 Teaching Assistant (“TA”) Application

We are now accepting TA application for the 2024-2025 school year. You must be 14 years old by 8/31/2024 to be eligible to apply.  It’s a great way to give back to the community, share what you’ve learned at PCLS and also earn volunteer hours.  Please click on this Google form for more information and to apply.

Taiwan i-僑卡 – 揪團享好康 – 人人抽獎機率高 ,相揪辦卡來淘寶

感謝大家的支持,i 僑卡揪團享好康活動十分熱烈,截至目前,我們有超過 150 人申請。上周日 6/9 的 i 僑卡公開抽獎活動,已經從前110 名申請者中抽出了幸運得獎者! If you are a lucky winner, you will be contacted for prize pick up next week!

Our next event will be in September after school starts. Be sure to read the Principal’s Newsletter! Stay Tuned!


Qualification – Must be 12 years old and older by October 9th, 2024.

Preliminary – June 13 to July 28, 2024

Semi Final – August 3 to August 18, 2024

First prize is $2800 USD!

For more detail, please see this folder

Veronica Chen, 校長 Principal