Weekly newsletter September 8, 2024

Message from Principal

Welcome to PCLS!

Sunday, September 8 is the first day of school. All language and culture classes will be in person at Princeton Day School (PDS, Address: Address: 650 Great Rd, Princeton, NJ 08540). Language class is between 2:30 pm to 4:15pm. Culture class is between 4:20 pm to 5:00pm. Refer to our website for our school calendar for events this year (PDF file available for download). You should have received a confirmation email yesterday from PCLS Registrar with your child(ren)’s language / culture class & location information.

If you are new to PDS, please come early to find your way around. Enter the building through the Main Entrance only(see attached map). Other doors are locked for security purposes. Maps & classroom listing will be posted near the main entrance. A copy is also attached in this email for your reference. If you need assistance with direction, please look for our helpers with PCLS t-shirt / orange vest or badge.

If your child is new or on the younger side, please stay on campus during the first few weeks to make sure he/she knows how to get to the language/culture classes.

Cindy (Academic Director), Sophia (Culture Director) and myself will be at the Admin Table area. Please stop by to say hi! If you have any questions, we are here to help.

    Reserved Parking for Teachers

Parents – please save the parking spots in the closest 2 rows to the building (see the yellow lines on the attached map) for teachers. Our teachers have a lot of class material to carry every week. Please use “parents parking” instead. Thank you in advance for your understanding & cooperation.

    PDS Facility Protocols

No eating inside the building except for younger kids during recess. Younger kids are allowed to eat at the cafeteria during recess time.

Absolutely no eating inside the classrooms.

Self-screening for COVID and cold symptoms. If you are not well, stay home.

    PCLS Student Guidelines

PCLS strive to build a supportive, nurturing and safe learning environment. It is the responsibility of the parents to review the Student Code of Conduct with your child(ren) and make sure they understand the behavioral expectations. NO LANGUAGE OR ACTS OF VIOLENCE will be tolerated.

    Registration & Check Deposit

Our registration numbers are similar to last year. A BIG THANK YOU to ALL registered families. We will finish depositing your checks in September.

If you have registered your child(ren) but did not pay the tuition, please bring a check on the first day of the school and give it to registration staff at the admin tables. You do not need to mail the check at this point.

Message from Academic Director

Textbooks will be distributed to registered and paid students on the first day of school in class. If you haven’t paid the tuition, please bring in your check (NO cash please as we can’t track it) this Sunday. I’ll give you the textbooks once we receive the tuition.

    Language Class Changes

On the first day (9/8), please attend the language class listed in your confirmation email. Each student has ONE chance to switch language class between the 2nd and 3rd week. After the 3rd week (9/22), NO change to the language class is allowed. If you have any questions regarding the class placement, please reach out to me (I’ll be at the “administration table” near the main entrance this Sunday, or you can email me at academic@pcls.org).

    Trial Class

If you have friends interested in joining our school, please ask them to check out our website and follow the steps on the registration page. If they would like to sign up for a trial class, please sign up before they come.

Message from Culture Director

    Culture Class Changes

On the first day (9/8), please attend the culture class listed in your confirmation email. Each student has ONE chance to switch culture class between the 2nd and 3rd week. Please check the Principal’s weekly update email for the Google form link to request change.

    Class Waivers

Students in the following classes are required to sign a waiver:





An email will also be sent to the students with a link to a Google form for electronic sign-off. Please take a moment to complete the waiver when you receive it.

    Adult Activities

The following activities are available for adults:



Zumba *

Flower Arrangement (min. 5 students) *

Chinese Calligraphy (min. 3 students) *
Demo on this Sunday 3:30 pm at Cafeteria

Please note that a facility fee applies to participation in all adult activities ($100 for parents / $150 for non-parents), but you only need to pay once for the year. For more information and to register, please click on this link.

*Additional instructor / material fee apply

PTA Update

    Parent volunteers are needed

Parent participation and involvement are essential to the success of the school’s operation and events. Please sign up for required parent duties if you have not done so. If you are able to spare more time to our community, we would be very thankful. There are currently over 40 parent duty slots still available for sign up!

    Deposit refund requirement

Please note that only after the parent duties are fulfilled will the deposit be refunded. Detailed parent duty instructions and information can be found in the PCLS Parent Duty Guidelines. Please make sure to sign in at the event/duty to log the completion of your duty. Also, if any events/parent duty signups are canceled/moved, it is the family’s responsibility to sign up for another parent duty or the rescheduled time to fulfill the requirement in order to receive the deposit.To check your parent duty sign ups, please click this SignupGenius link.

Any questions about your parent duties, please reach out to Jan-Huey, PCLS PTA Lead, while at school or at PTA@pcls.org.

Vendor Update

Join us at LINE group: “PCLS – Food and Vendors 普林斯頓中文學校美食團” to get the latest information about food ordering and delivery. Click the link to join: https://line.me/ti/g/QuLI3jTQan

9/8: Bo Hai Dumpling 渤海村 (WWP HS North)

9/15: Nuro Beef Soup 正中牛肉湯 (Pre-Order)

9/15: OK Canaan Flushing 台灣好滋味 (Pre-Order)

9/15: Lin’s Palace 林宮(On Site Only)

9/22: Golden Buns 金華包子 (Pre-Order)

9/29: Vincy’s Gourmet Kitchen (Pre-Order)

9/29: SunMerry Bakery 聖瑪莉 (On-Site)

For additional information on the date, time, location and order link, please see this link.

Thank you, I look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Veronica Chen, 校長 Principal