Weekly Newsletter October 20, 2024

Message from Principal


Dear PCLS families,


I hope everyone is enjoying the great weather and pretty fall colors!!


My name is Cindy Chen. I am delighted to serve as the principal of PCLS for 2024-2026. I want to first thank Veronica for her leadership and dedication to PCLS for the past two years. We will continue to have Veronica’s support in her new role as the Chairperson of the Board.


Language learning is a life-long process. It is my hope that we, school and families, will work together to best support our students. As Principal, my door is always open, and I sincerely welcome your input. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me (principal@pcls.org), Sophia (academic@pcls.org) and Whitney (culture@pcls.org) with any questions, concerns, or ideas that you would like to share.

I look forward to meeting you at the First Semester Welcome Meeting on November 10th!



Upcoming Events



  • 1:30 – 2:25 PM  Drawing contest 繪畫比賽 – Day 1

  • 1:50 – 3:30 PM  Taiwan i Card (i-僑卡) Application

  • 2:40 – 4:00 PM  Photo Day

  • 2:45 – 4:30 PM  Children’s Halloween Costume Fair


  • 1:30 – 2:25 PM  Drawing contest 繪畫比賽 – Day 2

  • 2:45 – 4:15 PM  Halloween parade


  • Daylight saving time ends


Taiwan i-僑卡 人人抽獎熊讚禮, 相揪辦卡淘寶趣

Taiwan i 僑卡 好處多多!
透過 i 僑卡,在台灣及美國可獲得購物/住宿/旅遊等優惠、享受醫療健檢特別折扣、免費使用線上圖書館,並結合僑委會各項智能服務!


請於本周日 10 月 20 日下午1:50至3:30 至 PDS Cafeteria 申請,每位申請人皆有抽獎機會,二人或四人相揪辦卡,還可現場獲贈額外辦卡禮喔!詳情請參閱傳單  PCLS透過本專案已替 170 名朋友成功申辦 i 僑卡,其中40多位幸運中獎的朋友也領到他們的獎品,您千萬別錯過十月的最後參加機會!

Bring your passport (Taiwan or USA) and stop by Cafeteria at PDS between 1:50-3:30pm on October 20th to apply for i-Compatriot Card! Taiwanese souvenir giveaways for those apply!


Message from Academic Director

ANJCS Poem Recitation Contest

Contest date and time: December 15, 2024, 11 am

Contest place: Woodbrook elementary school, (15 Robin Rd., Edison, NJ 08820)


If your child(ren) is interested, please contact me by Nov 3, 2024. Once you’re registered, please make yourself available for all the practice sessions and the contest.


Students will earn 2 coupons for participating in an external contest and another 2 coupons if placed in one of the top 3 places.  PCLS will also match the cash price up to $20!

PCLS 校內演講比賽 Speech Contest

The Speech contest is a great opportunity for our students to practice public speaking in Chinese. We will hold our 2024-2025 speech contest next month. Please find more information below.


Contest date and time: Nov 17, 2024 and Nov 24, 2024 1:30-2:25 pm

Contest location: PDS Upper Gym

Registration deadline: Nov 10, 2024 11:59 pm. More information is in the attached brochure.

Please register through this Google Form. If you have any questions, please contact academic@pcls.org .


Message from Culture Director

Drawing Contest

The drawing contest will take place IN PERSON on 10/20/2024 and 10/27/2024 between 1:30 – 2:25 PM at the PDS cafeteria. Please bring your own art supplies, e.g. crayons, color pencils or markers etc. Students will have 2 Sundays to complete their drawing. The drawings need to be handed in at the end of the event on 10/20 and we will distribute again on 10/27 for the students to finish.

All participants will earn ONE coupon. Top 3 place winners will earn an extra coupon, a trophy, and have their artwork featured in the PCLS directory!

Adult Activities

The following activities are available for adults:

  • Basketball

  • Badminton

  • Zumba *

  • Flower Arrangement (min. 5 students) *

  • Chinese Calligraphy (min. 3 students) *

For more information and to register, please click on this link.

*Additional instructor / material fee apply


PTA Update

Halloween Costume Fair

Children’s Halloween Costume Fair will be this Sunday (10/20) between 2:45 – 4:30 pm in the hallway after coming from the main entrance at PDS. You may purchase with $5 or use a voucher to exchange for a set of costumes or outfits. Many gently-used girls’ Halloween costumes (mostly under 10 yo) for sale!


Parent Duty Reminder

Please arrive at your sign-up duty event on time, especially for the events starting before 2:30pm. If you fail to show up on time, the duty will not be counted as fulfilled, and the parent duty deposit will not be refunded. Detailed parent duty instructions and information can be found in the PCLS Parent Duty Guidelines. If you need to adjust your sign-up duty, please contact the PTA Lead (pta@pcls.org). Do Not change your sign-up without notifying PTA Lead.


Vendor Update


Join us at LINE group: “PCLS – Food and Vendors 普林斯頓中文學校美食團” to get the latest information about food ordering and delivery.  https://line.me/ti/g/QuLI3jTQan.  Click the link to join.

10/20: OK Canaan Flushing 台灣好滋味  (Pre-Order)

10/20: Nuro Beef Soup 正中牛肉湯 (Pre-Order)

10/27: Golden Buns 金華包子  (Pre-Order)

10/30: Linda Seafood (Pre-Order)

11/03: Sunmerry Bakery Cafe (On-site)

For additional information on the date, time, location and order link, please see this link.

Cindy Chen, 校長 Principal