PCLS Newsletter 3/22 – E-learning

Dear Parents/Guardians/Teachers/TAs:

I hope this email finds you all in good health and spirit.

Coronavirus is on everyone’s mind with the effects being felt around the world.  Every person plays an important role in such unprecedented time which requires us to change our daily lives.  This might last for a while, we all need to figure out a new and healthy lifestyle that can help reduce stress, prevent illness, and keep things running as usual.

As you know, PCLS will start e-learning this Sunday, 3/22.  Many classes have tested Zoom and got some feedback.  Please see attached file of each language class remote lesson. Your class teacher should have (or will) send you more detailed information.  If you don’t receive anything from the teacher by Saturday night, please reach out to our academic director (academic@pcls.org).

Please have Zoom installed in your device.  Zoom is pretty straightforward and here are some tutorials or you can find info online by yourself :

  1. In Chinese:https://www.btsflip.org/
  2. In English:https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-How-Do-I-Join-A-Meeting-


I appreciate your patience and understanding as these changes are brand new for us and will take a little time to get right.  If something isn’t quite figured out or takes a little more time than it should, please understand we are trying our best to make it work.  If you are a whiz at remote conferencing or have access to tools that would be helpful, please reach out! Your teacher or classmates may need your help.

I’d like to acknowledge our academic director, all language teachers, and support staff for their tireless work planning and preparing for this first-time ever PCLS e-learning with limited time and resources.

Life still goes on.  We still want to see the smiling faces of our kids and we want to make sure that they are getting quality education during this unprecedented time.  Kids are counting on us.  Let’s stay positive and calm.


These are challenging times, but we will come through this together!!

I will continue to update you as needed, being mindful of communicating necessary information while not overwhelming our community.

Again, thank you all for your support.  I hope you and your families are staying healthy, safe, and happy.

All the best,

Justine Hsieh 謝嘉文
Princeton Chinese Language School, Principal

E: principal@pcls.org