PCLS newsletter 4/26 – Summer Camp Survey

Dear Parents/Guardians/Teachers/TAs:

I hope you and your families are all in good health and spirit.

As I announced last week, PCLS will keep remote learning until the end of this school year, 5/31.  The modified calendar is as below:

* 4/26 – Language online week 5 & Culture online week 2 (except Basketball, Homework club and Mahjong)
* 5/3 – Language online week 6 & Culture online week 3, Fall 2020 Registration Begins
* 5/10 –  Language online week 7 & Culture  online week 4
* 5/17 –  Fun Day cancelled.  Language online (Optional – the teacher will notify the class) & Culture online week 5
* 5/24 – No School – memorial Day
* 5/30 (Saturday) – Online year-End Zoom meeting with parents 家長大會 (time will be announced)
* 5/31 –  Last day of 2019-2020 school year for Language (week 8 or 9) and Culture class (week 6).  Commencement will be held in an alternative way later.
 What’s your plan for this Summer? 
We’re thinking about hosting an ONLINE Summer Camp for Language, culture, or even some other types of classes.  The camp will be from 6/22 to 8/24 for a duration of 10 weeks.  It will be designed to help kids continue language and culture learning in a fun and relaxed way.  As we might still stay at home for a while, this summer camp can help everyone feel more connected with each other even while we’re apart.
Our admins had some great discussion and would love to provide summer class options for our PCLS families.  However, as we are volunteers helping the school, we need to make sure that this summer camp idea is what you need before our further planning.  Please click this Google Form to complete the short survey by Next Sunday, 5/3.  
If you or your high school child(ren) can provide some creative classes, feel free to enter in the last field “additional comments” in the survey.  It will be a great summer project for your family or your teenagers (As TAs, they can earn volunteer hours.  As teachers, they can choose to get paid or earn their volunteer hours).  Thank you for your help.

Messages from the Culture Director, Ya-ping Su:

A BIG thank you to our culture teachers!
We have received many positive feedbacks from parents thanking teachers for hosting classes at this difficult time. Kids seemed to be happy to see each other “virtually” and were engaged during the class.  We will work closely with our culture teachers and evaluate the possibility of culture summer camp this year.

Please continue providing the feedback to your class teachers or culture director (Ya-ping).  We appreciate your patience, inputs, and support to make our online learning better and better.

Parent Duty Refund checks (School year 2019-2020)

Please note that SignUp genius 2019-2020 is closed.  For the parents who signed up and fulfilled their duty before school close (3/8), you will receive an email from PTA next week.  For the other parents who signed up for the other duties, you will receive another email from PTA soon.  We’re processing your refund checks and will mail to you in May.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.

In the midst of this unprecedented time, please keep in mind that we are a community that looks out for and supports each other.  I wish everyone in the PCLS community stay healthy and stay positive!

All the best,

Justine Hsieh 謝嘉文
Princeton Chinese Language School, Principal